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Partners in Education

Partners in Education (PIE) is sponsored by the Cobb Chamber of Commerce, the Marietta City Schools system and the Cobb County School System. The PIE program is designed to establish a voluntary relationship between a business/organization and a school in order to:
  • Support and enrich the education of students;
  • Encourage and support school faculty and staff;
  • Promote community strength and identify needs; and
  • Provide business employees and organization members the opportunity to identify the successes and needs of the public school systems.
Marietta City Schools appreciates the contributions of these community businesses and organizations that help make our schools a better place to learn and work.

Interested in becoming a Partner in Education?

If you are interested in becoming a Marietta City Schools Partner In Education, please contact Nate Futrell at the Cobb Chamber of Commerce at (770) 859-2374 or

A. L. Burruss Partners in Education

  • First United Methodist Church of Marietta
  • The Barnes Law Group, LLC
  • Zaxby's (591 S. Marietta Pkwy)

Kim Blass
Director of External Affairs 
Marietta City Schools
250 Howard Street
Marietta, GA 3006
Phone: (678) 695-7289

Nate Futrell
Cobb Chamber of Commerce
Marietta, GA 30006
Phone: (770) 859-2374



Marietta City Schools Supports Get Georgia Reading.


Get Georgia Reading
Get Georgia Reading Campaign partners developed a clearly defined common agenda to create the conditions for every child in Georgia to become a proficient reader by the end of third grade. Find out more about the process used by our partners to create the Campaign’s common agenda, which consists of four research-based pillars that work together to provide a platform for success.