A.L. Burruss Media Center
Media Center Information
The mission of the Media Center is to support the curriculum of the school. Our Media Center contains over 14,000 items of age-appropriate material to fulfill this mission. Audiovisual equipment, housed in the Media Center, is available for teachers to use in the classroom.
Instruction is given in Information Literacy Skills and Internet Safety. Technology is integrated into all Media lessons and practice is achieved through projects assigned by the classroom teachers.
Borrowing Privileges
Students in kindergarten, first, and second grades may keep library materials for one week. Students in third, fourth, and fifth grades have a two-week check-out period. We do not charge overdue fines; however, any item that is lost or damaged must be paid for.
Reading Resources
Students use Destiny, our online library catalog, to locate materials in the Media Center. Destiny is available for students and teachers on computers located in the Media Center and in each classroom through the school network.
Students can also check out books from our Cobb public libraries using their MCS district ID number and their 4 digit birth month and day (Example: Feb. 4 would be 0204). No card is needed with the student PASS program!
All students participate in the Marietta Reads initiative, which encourages literacy and a love of reading throughout the community.
Kristin Saxon
Media Specialist
Please send your questions about the A.L. Burruss Media Center by email.